This month in our activity wall: flowers for mom.
If you want to participate in our activity wall this month follow these Instructions: Make a flower for mom, put your name and class, and give it to Miss Jalyssa to put it up on the wall, we will give it to your mom at the end of the month!

Welcome to the family wall & address update.
Check your inbox! We sent an email to the ??? asking for a picture for a welcome to the family tree! With the picture comes a phrase that your dancer should complete and will be added to the wall under their picture! We will also use this photo for your student’s profile page in your parent portal

Do you have your spot yet?
Our Summer camp it's a great opportunity for our students to experience many different dance styles in a fun and exciting way without losing sight of the skill development necessary to prepare them for the challenges they will be facing next year!
Whether your dancer is young and new to the dance world or young but more seasoned, we have a camp for you!
Check out our themes and their objectives here!
And for our summer intensive students don’t forget we will have miss Citlalli Caballero doing specialized choreography that will be used for company teams and end-of-year recital 2023. Miss Citlalli’s choreography will be danced by our summer students ONLY, until after the recital, when it becomes part of the studio’s repertoire